Latest version.
  • The following germination standards shall apply to vegetable seeds offered or exposed for sale for seeding purposes and shall be construed to include hard seed where applicable:

                                               Percent                                                                                       Percent

    Artichoke                                            60                              Kohlrabi                                                  75

    Asparagus                                           70                              Leek                                                         60

    Bean, garden                                      70                              Lettuce                                                    80

    Bean, lima                                          70                              Muskmelon                                            75

    Beet                                                     65                              Mustard                                                  75

    Broccoli                                               75                              Okra                                                         50

    Brussels sprouts                                 70                              Onion                                                       70

    Cabbage                                             75                              Parsley                                                     60

    Carrot                                                  55                              Parsnip                                                    60

    Cauliflower                                         75                              Pea                                                           80

    Celeriac                                               55                              Pepper                                                     55

    Celery                                                  55                              Pumpkin                                                 75

    Chard, Swiss                                       65                              Radish                                                     75

    Chicory                                               65                              Rhubarb                                                  60

    Citron                                                  65                              Rutabaga                                                75

    Collards                                               80                              Salsify                                                     75

    Corn, sweet                                         75                              Soybean                                                  75

    Cowpea                                               70                              Spinach                                                   60

    Cress, garden                                      75                              Spinach, New Zealand                         40

    Cress, water                                        40                              Squash                                                    75

    Cucumber                                           80                              Tomato                                                   75

    Dandelion                                           60                              Tomato, husk                                         50

    Eggplant                                              60                              Turnip                                                      80

    Endive                                                 70                              Watermelon                                            70

    Kale                                                     75



History Note:        Authority G.S. 106‑277.15;

Eff. February 1, 1976;

Transferred from T02.11C Eff. January 1, 1985;

Amended Eff. June 1, 1991.