North Carolina Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 13, 2014) |
(a) All centers shall have a schedule for each group of children posted for easy reference by parents and by caregivers.
(b) When children two years old or older are in care, the schedule shall include the following:
(1) Show blocks of time usually assigned to types of activities and shall include periods of time for both active play and quiet play or rest.
(2) Show blocks of time that are scheduled for activities for indoor and outdoor areas.
(3) Reflect times and activities that are developmentally appropriate for the children in care.
(4) Reflect daily opportunities indoors and outdoors for free-choice activities, teacher-directed activities, and a minimum total of one hour of outdoor time throughout the day, if weather conditions permit. When children are in care for four hours or less per day the center shall provide a minimum total of 30 minutes of outdoor time daily, if weather conditions permit.
(c) When children under two years old are in care, the schedule shall include regular daily events such as arrival and departure, free choice times, outside time and teacher-directed activities. Interspersed among the daily events shall be individualized caregiving routines such as eating, napping and toileting. There shall be a minimum of 30 minutes of outdoor time throughout the day either as part of a small group, whole group, or individual activity, if weather conditions permit.
(d) All centers shall develop a written plan of developmentally appropriate activities designed to stimulate social, emotional, intellectual and physical development for each group of children in care.
(1) The activity plan shall always be current and accessible for easy reference by parents and caregivers.
(2) The activity plan shall include at least one daily activity for each developmental goal specified in this Paragraph. Activities which allow children to choose to participate with the whole group, part of the group, or independently shall be identified. The plan shall reflect that the children have at least four different activities daily, at least one of which is outdoors, if weather conditions permit.
(3) The activity plan shall also include a daily gross motor activity which may occur indoors or outdoors.
(e) The schedule and activity plan may be combined as one document that shall always be current and posted for easy reference by parents and caregivers.
History Note: Authority G.S. 110-85; 110-91(2),(12); 143B-168.3;
Eff. July 1, 1988;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2010; July 1, 1998.