10A NCAC 09 .2902. LICENSE  

Latest version.
  • (a)  Developmental Day Centers shall maintain a four or five star rated license with an average score of 5.0 on the appropriate environment rating scale in each classroom evaluated.

    (b)  A child care center with a temporary license may receive certification status if all rules in this Section are met, except for Paragraph (a) of this Rule, and an application for a two to five star rated licensed has been submitted.  At the end of the temporary license period the child care center must receive a four or five star rated license as specified in Paragraph (a) of this Rule.  Failure to receive a four or five star rated license shall result in the removal of certification status as a Developmental Day Center.

    (c)  The license shall indicate certification as a Developmental Day Center.

    (d)  The center shall comply with the staff-child ratio and maximum group size as follows:



    AGE                                       RATIO STAFF/CHILDREN             GROUP SIZE

    0-12 Months                                               1/4                                              8

    1 to 2 Years                                                1/5                                            10

    2 Years and Older                                      1/6                                            18


    (e)  A minimum of two staff members shall be on site at all times while children are in attendance at the facility.

    (f)  A child care center may appeal the removal of certification status in accordance with G.S. 110-94; however, an appeal does not preclude a Local Education Agency from removing contracted children from the program before a final decision on the appeal is reached.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 110-85; 110-88(14);

Eff. July 1, 2010.