Latest version.
  • Income exclusions are found in 7 CFR 273.9(c) and this provision is hereby adopted by reference under G.S. 150B-21.6 and does not apply to subsequent amendments and editions.  In addition, the following income shall be excluded in determining eligibility and benefit level: Earned income for census employment or educational assistance, except scholarships offered by civic groups or institutions, or athletic scholarships.  A copy of the CFR may be obtained by contacting the Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, P. O. Box 37194, Pittsburgh, PA  15250-7954 or accessing the CFR online at www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 108A‑25; 108A‑53; 143B‑153; 7 C.F.R. 273.9(c); 7 U.S.C. 2026(b)(1); P.L. 107-171;

Temporary Rule Eff. March 28, 1990, for a Period of 180 Days to Expire on August 31, 1990;

Eff. September 1, 1990;

Temporary Amendment Eff. March 1, 2003;

Amended Eff. August 1, 2004.