Latest version.
  • (a)  Applications will only be officially received when the application form entitled "Application for State Funds," provided by the Department is used, and all portions are completely and appropriately addressed.

    (b)  The application form contains the following elements which must be completely addressed in accordance with application instructions:

    (1)           an assurance page with all appropriate signatures and requested information and certification of non-supplanting;

    (2)           an introduction that addresses the following items:

    (A)          authorization by the authorizing official, i.e., the Chairman of the Board of Directors;

    (B)          identification of the staff person responsible for guideline adherence;

    (C)          a statement ascertaining that only prison-bound offenders will be worked with, supported by documentation in the main body of the grant application;

    (D)          a statement ascertaining that community safety will be a significant factor in client eligibility;

    (E)           a description of the Board of Directors and/or the Advisory Committee supervising that community penalties program;

    (F)           a policy statement regarding a decision by the board to exclude certain categories of offenders otherwise legally eligible;

    (G)          a statement and supporting documentation relating to the organization's history of sound fiscal and administrative management;

    (H)          a description of the organization's attempts and results in obtaining District Attorney involvement on the Board of Directors or the Advisory Committee and a statement as to the role the District Attorney's office plays in the program;

    (I)            a statement regarding the role the organization's community penalties program plays in the courtroom work group in terms of advocating for reduced incarceration rather than advocating for the accused;

    (J)            letters of support from representatives of the criminal justice system and others in the community, including insofar as possible the district attorney, judges, probation representatives and law enforcement representatives.

    (3)           the problem addressed by the program, both in general and specifically for the community in which the program will operate;

    (4)           goals and measurable objectives;

    (5)           expected program results;

    (6)           step-by-step procedures or program activities designed to reach results;

    (7)           program needs and resources;

    (8)           evaluation process: records collection and evaluation procedures and rationale (See Rule .0213);

    (9)           description of the program's history and data;

    (10)         detailed budget descriptions including a summary, expenditures by line item and fiscal resources as well as a plan for program match and continuing community support for fiscal resources;

    (11)         any additional information the applicant may want to include.

    (c)  Any changes as required by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety in policies, rules and procedures, in the current issue of this form, shall be considered to be in effect at the time of their approval.  Such changes shall be published in the next publication of the application form.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 143B-500 through 143B-507;

Eff. January 1, 1988;

Transferred from 14A NCAC 11 .0407 Eff. June 1, 2013.