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  • (a)  All employees shall wash their hands thoroughly with soap and running water before beginning work and again after each interruption.  Signs to this effect shall be posted in conspicuous places in the plant by the operator.

    (b)  All persons handling shucked shellfish shall sanitize their hands before beginning work and again after each interruption.

    (c)  All persons employed or engaged in the handling, shucking, or packing of shellfish shall wear clean, washable outer clothing.  Clean plastic or rubber aprons, overalls, and rubber gloves shall be considered satisfactory.

    (d)  Employees shall not use tobacco in any form in the rooms where shellfish are stored, processed, or handled.

    (e)  All persons known to be a carrier of any disease which can be transmitted through the handling of shellfish or who have an infected wound or open lesion on any exposed portion of their bodies shall be prohibited from handling shellfish.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 130A‑230;

Eff. February 1, 1987.